Evertrain Workout of the Day :
Thursday, January 31, 2019
Today’s workout is a mix-of-methods, similar to CrossFit, that includes core training as well as (2) cardiovascular circuits.
Core Warm-up:
Use this sequence of movements to engage your core muscles and wake-up your full-body for today’s training
A1. Bodyweight Glute Bridge March (Alternating) – 15 reps / per leg
A2. Hollow Rock – 30 reps
A3. Bearcrawl – 30 meters
A4. Hollow Body Flutter Kick – 30 reps
A5. Walk-out with alternating shoulder taps – 10 reps
For Time Training:
Aim to complete the following circuit within a 16 minute time-cap. Move with intent and purpose.
Calorie SkiErg
Bent Over Dumbbell Rows (50/35)
Want to make this workout harder? Check out some of our favorite push-up variations!
NOTE: Don’t have access to a SkiErg? Try substituting with a stationary rowing machine.
Explosive Finisher:
12 rounds
:15 second sprint
:45 second walk
You can sprint on a self-powered treadmill like a Woodway Curve or even outside on a flat surface. Replicating sprints on a traditional treadmill is not AS valuable, because the treadmill does a majority of the movement for you.
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