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9 Foods To Avoid For A Leaner Stomach | Diet Plan For Abs

Ditch these common junk foods to create a good diet plan for abs!

Diet Plan for Abs | What Foods to Include?


1. Potato Chips

These salted munchies are high in calories and saturated fat, which can further contribute to abdominal fat gain. What makes them even worse is they don’t really give you the feeling of being full, making it counterproductive to your six-pack diet plan.

Healthy Alternative: Baked zucchini chips and sweet potato crisps are the best snack alternatives you can include in your diet plan for abs. Baked options are better than chips fried in trans fat, which is notorious for spiking up cholesterol levels.

2. Fast Food and Fried Food

Salty french fries, greasy fried chicken, and cheesy pizza slices are on the top of the list of foods to avoid for flat abs. Just like potato chips, most fast food items contain saturated fat and trans fat, which can only add extra inches to your waistline.

Healthy Alternative: Instead of gobbling down french fries, nibbling on parsnip fries is healthier. Ditch the fried chicken and opt for baked chicken dishes, which are great to add to your six-pack foods list. If you’re in the mood for some burgers, go for veggie burgers instead.

3. Soda and Fruit Juices

All those carbonated beverages will make you bloated — soft drinks contain so much sugar, even the “diet” variants. You will have to spend half an hour on the treadmill to burn off a 330mL can of cola. Fruit juices aren’t the best alternatives either despite the promising Vitamin C, due to their high fructose content.

Healthy Alternative: Still, nothing beats good ‘ol h2o! On top of staying hydrated, you will also gradually lose your cravings for sugary, carbonated beverages.

4. Baked Desserts and Pastries

High in carbs and sugar, your favorite baked treats such as cookies, cupcakes, and doughnuts are actually your diet enemies. A bite of a Krispy Kreme doughnut will take you an hour of cardio workout to burn off.

Healthy Alternative: Combat the sugar rush your body is used to by eating a slice of whole-grain cinnamon toast instead of a glazed doughnut. If you can’t resist having a cookie, make sure to choose the oatmeal kind — it often has no sugar and no white flour, so you can avoid bloating and feeling guilty about eating more than one piece.

5. Rice and Noodles

Chinese takeouts are delicious, but they’re not particularly healthy. Consuming one cup of rice isn’t bad, but can you really stop yourself from getting another serving? Stir-fried noodles aren’t great either. They’re even higher in sodium, which is a no-no if you’re keen on sticking to your diet plan for abs.

Healthy Alternative: Next time you’re planning to order from your favorite Asian restaurant, choose brown rice instead of the usual white rice. Made of whole grain, brown rice contains more fiber, vitamins, and minerals necessary in your six-pack diet plan.

6. Processed Meat

Mornings usually start off with processed meat such as bacon and sausages, which contain preservatives that shouldn’t be found in your diet plan for abs. Apart from being linked to heart disease, processed meat can prevent you from getting that flat stomach due to the empty calories.

Healthy Alternative: For more nutritional value, it’s better to eat lean meat such as beef, lamb, and veal. Poultry and fish are also rich in proteins like lean meat, so make sure to grab these items when you’re grocery shopping. You can also look forward to drinking protein after your workout to help you get the protein you need while you bulk up.

7. Pre-Packaged Greens

For people who are into weight loss but don’t know how to cook, pre-packaged salads are a hit. But contrary to popular belief, bagged greens are actually bad for you and your diet plans for abs. They are pre-washed and processed, taking away all the nutrients you would otherwise receive if they didn’t come in plastic boxes.

Healthy Alternative: Buy your leafy greens fresh in the market. Also, make sure you only use natural dressings such as lemon juice, extra virgin olive oil, greek yogurt, and more.

8. Ice Cream

Just like any dessert, ice cream contains high levels of sugar that can contribute to weight gain and belly fat. The dairy in ice cream usually contains saturated fat as well, so expect your cholesterol levels to go up.

Healthy Alternative: You’re better off pleasing your taste buds with healthier options such as Greek yogurt and frozen fruit popsicles. They have less sugar and calories, so you don’t have to feel bad about enjoying them once in a while.

9. Candy Bars

Chocolates and candy bars might give you short bursts of energy, but eating a Snickers bar defeats the purpose of healthy snacking if you’re following a diet plan for abs.

Healthy Alternative: Learn to indulge in healthier alternatives like granola bars, especially if you are on a weight loss journey. Protein bars are also the perfect snack after a workout, so it’s better if you bring these treats to the gym.


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Just because you’re following a diet plan for abs doesn’t mean you’re supposed to avoid these foods forever. Don’t deprive yourself; you can still enjoy your favorite snacks on your designated cheat day. Always remember to control your portions and choose healthier options.

What other junk foods do you think gym-goers should remove from their diet plan for abs? Share your answers in the comments down below!

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