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Wintry Warm Choco Banana Oatmeal Smoothie

This healthy and delicious choco banana oatmeal smoothie recipe might just be what you need before or after working out!

In this article:

    1. Guilt-Free Smoothie
    2. How to Make This Warm Choco Banana Oatmeal Protein Smoothie
    3. Nutritional Info
    4. The Best Times to Drink a Wintry Warm Choco Banana Oatmeal Smoothie
    5. How Many Should I Drink in a Day?
    6. Who Can Drink This Protein Shake?
    7. Why Drink Protein Shakes?

Protein-Packed Choco Banana Oatmeal Smoothie Recipe


Guilt-Free Smoothie

Are you bored of drinking the same protein shake every single day? Then spice up your diet with this delicious, healthy, instant oatmeal smoothie.

It’s a protein shake recipe brimming with rich, creamy banana-chocolate goodness, but minus the guilt. As compared to munching on unhealthy snacks, this is definitely the healthier option.


How to Make this Warm Choco Banana Oatmeal Protein Smoothie



Step 1: Heat Milk

Take the cup of milk and heat it to your desired temperature. You can place it in the microwave oven for about 60 to 90 seconds. Afterward, remove from heat then set aside.

Step 2: Mix Water and Milk

Take 2 oz. of the milk you heated then pour it in the blender, along with some cold water. Set aside the remaining milk. We’ll use it later.

Step 3: Pulse the Ingredients

Throw in all of the remaining oatmeal smoothie ingredients, then pulse them together until they form a smooth, rich blend.

Step 4: Stir

Pour in the remaining hot milk you set aside earlier, then stir the blend with a wooden spoon. Do not pulse it.

Step 5: Pour in a Glass

Transfer the smoothie from the blender into a tall glass or shaker bottle. If you’re not going to drink it right away, store the shaker bottle in your refrigerator to maintain freshness.

Step 6: Add Toppings

You can opt to top it off with oats, cocoa powder, or anything you want. Just make sure that it isn’t anything too high in carbs and calories. Remember, we want to create a healthy oatmeal smoothie.


Nutritional Info

This recipe for wintry warm choco banana oatmeal smoothie is a great post- or pre-workout shake you can incorporate into your diet.

It contains enough protein to sustain muscle mass, sufficient carbs for long-lasting energy, and high fiber content to cleanse your digestive tract.

Calories: 405

Protein: 31g

Fiber: 10g

The Best Times to Drink a Wintry Warm Choco Banana Oatmeal Smoothie

You can opt to drink your oatmeal smoothie anytime you want. Simply treat it as a regular protein shake.

If you want to maximize the results, you need to create a protein-drinking schedule that aligns with your goals. Here are some of the things you need to consider:

Meal Replacement

If you’re trying to cut back on weight, you can opt to use this as a meal replacement. For example, instead of your usual high-calorie, high-fat breakfast, opt to blend a tall glass of wintry warm chocolate banana oatmeal smoothie.

It’s healthier, and it takes much less time to prepare. In fact, you can blend a few bottles ahead of time.

All you’ll need to do is take one out of the refrigerator every time you want to down this protein shake. That way, you can drink it in your car, during your commute, while walking, or even at work.

Meal Addition

If you want to pack on some muscle mass, then you might want to try adding this to your meals. For example, in addition to your usual lunch, you can chug a tall glass of this protein shake recipe for some added nutrients.

This feeds your muscles the extra vitamins and nutrients they need to grow, but be careful not to overdo it. Make sure you combine this high-calorie bulking diet with the proper strength training exercises.

If you don’t, you might end up packing on unnecessary body fat.

After a Workout

Whether you’re bulking or cutting, you need to consume the right nutrients after your workout. This stage is what fitness buffs call the anabolic window — a 30-minute window where the body switches from a catabolic to an anabolic stage.

During this window, it’s vital to supply your muscles with protein, carbs, and healthy fats for maximum muscle recovery. That way, you can enhance lean muscle growth, support fat burning, and speed up muscle recovery.


How Many Should I Drink in a Day?

Each serving of oatmeal smoothie yields 405 calories. If you’re trying to lose weight, a single glass every day should suffice.

Your body might convert anything in excess into fat. Now if you’re trying to pack on weight and are following a high-calorie diet, you can try drinking two per day.

Remember that this is simply a supplement. You still need to consume the right foods to help you sculpt a lean, fit physique.

Also, this doesn’t give you a free pass to eat unhealthy meals. You should combine this protein supplement with healthy meals if you want to see any real results.


Who Can Drink This Protein Shake?

Any gym-goer can try out this delicious protein shake. Whether you’re bulking or cutting, you can still incorporate it into your routine if it fits your macros.


Why Drink Protein Shakes?

Protein is a vital part of any fitness buff’s diet. It supports both the fat-burning and muscle-building process.

While you can consume protein through the foods you eat, it doesn’t offer the same concentrated effects whey protein shakes do. Plus, it’s difficult to increase your protein consumption through food without raising your carbs and calories at the same time.

Always remember that you should never forego eating high-protein foods such as chicken, beef, eggs, soy, milk, cheese, and Greek yogurt. Combining them with protein shakes is really the fastest way to meet your required protein intake.


Incorporate EVERTRAIN PROTEIN + HEALTH in your smoothie. It is 100% hormone-free, grass-fed whey protein with additional high-quality, clinically reviewed ingredients that help improve the immune system, aid in digestion, increase energy, and reduce inflammation:

This wintry warm choco banana oatmeal smoothie is a great addition to your list of supplement recipes. Feel free to check out other protein shake recipes you might want to try. Just make sure the recipes align with your personal fitness plan. Always bear in mind that the key to achieving any fitness goal is to balance healthy diets, intense workouts, and effective supplements.

Will you try this oatmeal smoothie recipe? Share your thoughts with us in the comments down below!

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