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Muscular Strength Exercises | How To Complete These 5 Strength Building Workouts

Muscular strength exercises must be a part of your regular workout routine. Doing them on a daily basis helps bring you closer to your fitness goals and strengthens the muscles you use every day. In fact, doing them regularly also helps correct your posture and corrects possible back problems. Here are some muscle and strength workouts you should definitely consider adding to your regiment.

Top 5 Muscular Strength Exercises for Form and Function



If you want to strengthen your lower back while improving muscle growth and strength in your legs, then you should start doing deadlifts. They may be a bit difficult to execute, but once you master it, you’ll be able to lift barbells three times heavier than you with ease.

Tip: Safety is always the priority when exercising. That’s why you should read up on what weightlifting gear you need to use for certain exercises.

How to:


If you want to condition your body, pushups are the exercises you need to do. It’s an exercise often used to measure upper body strength. They’re definitely one of the best muscular strength exercises out there that don’t require any equipment.

How to:

Barbell Squat

No muscular strength exercises list is complete without the king of all leg exercises: the barbell squat. It’s a basic exercise that promotes strength and stimulates muscle growth in your legs.

How to:

Bench Press

Next, we have what’s probably known as the most popular among all muscular strength exercises. The bench press is a popular exercise known by almost any gym-goer all across the world. In fact, if you look back to your early days at the gym, it might have been one of the first muscle and strength workouts you learned.

How to:

Kettlebell Press

The kettlebell press is a great strength and flexibility exercise that allows your shoulders to move in its natural plane of motion. Using kettlebells allows you to focus on functional strength training.

How to:


Are you looking for more muscular strength exercises? Check out these kettlebell workouts by Evertrain:

What makes muscular strength activities great is their versatility. Whether you’re bulking, cutting, strength training, or simply staying in shape, these will help you with whatever you need. To further maximize their benefits, combine these muscular strength exercises with a proper diet. However, remember that at the end of the day, what’s important is you commit to your workout, no excuses!

What are your favorite muscular strength exercises? Share them in the comments section below!

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