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Kettlebell Weights: Exercises to Build Muscle

Kettlebell weights can be pretty intimidating if you’ve never tried them before, but that’s no reason to stay away from them. A kettlebell set might just be the tool you need to get the results you’re looking for. Read on to learn how kettlebell exercises can help you realize your fitness goals!

Kettlebell Weights | The Whys and Hows


1. What Is the Main Benefit of Kettlebell Weights?

One of the main benefits of kettlebell weights is they combine both cardio and strength training. This makes it perfect for people who want to get the benefits of both without spending hours upon hours in the gym. By allowing you to develop your endurance and strength simultaneously, kettlebell weights give you the results you want in significantly less time.

2. Which Kettlebell Weight Should You Get?

It’s always a good idea to start light, regardless of the type of weight you’re lifting. However, you should consider starting off even lighter when working out with kettlebells, because they’re a bit trickier to operate than dumbbells or barbells. Don’t worry, though, because you’ll quickly work your way to where you want to be as you get more familiar with using them.

3. How Do You Do a Kettlebell Turkish Sit-Up?

You’ll need to have (2) kettlebells for this exercises. Go for lighter ones. If you’re ready, these are the steps:

4. How Do You Do a Kettlebell Overhead Carry?

The kettlebell overhead carry is one of the best and most simple movements. This workout specifically targets that weak posterior cuff and capsule of the shoulder. This region is notoriously weak and tilted forward in people who sit at their desk all day hunched over their computers.

So, to perform this exercises, you’ll need (2) moderately light kettlebells of matching weight, then follow the steps here:

Tips: Walk slow and take small steps so you can focus on your posture. Your posterior chain will thank you tremendously.

5. How Do You Do a Kettlebell Front-Rack Squat?

This move is unconventional in so many ways. Yet, it poses a real challenge for the glutes, hips, quads, hamstrings, and even the shoulders and posterior chain. Here’s how to do a kettlebell front-rack squat:

6. How Do You Do a Kettlebell Goblet Squat?

The kettlebell goblet squat is one of the best ways to workout your quadriceps, glutes, and scapular stabilizers all at the same time. This is how to do this exercise:

7. How Do You Do Kettlebell Lunges?

Lunges are another kettlebell exercise that targets the lower body. It’s a great workout for the glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings. Here’s how to do it:

8. How Do You Do Kettlebell Rows?

Kettlebell rows are great bicep exercises. If you want to give it a try, these are the steps to follow:

9. How Do You Do a Kettlebell Clean Exercise?

This exercise is great for developing power and explosiveness. The key to performing it correctly is doing everything in one fluid movement, so practice the motion without weights first to prevent injuries.

10. How Do You Do a Kettlebell Clean and Press?

Perform a traditional kettlebell clean, but this time, push the weight up overhead at the top of the movement. Be careful not to hit the side of your head as you do so.


Learn how a good pre-workout supplement can help you make the most out of these exercises in the video below:

The popularity of kettlebell weights has been growing for quite some time now — and it’s easy to see why. It combines endurance and strength training, allowing you to make the most of each session. Supercharge your workouts today by adding kettlebell exercises to your routine!

Have any kettlebell weight questions? Share them with us in the comments section below!

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