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Blast Holiday Fat With This Full Body Workout Routine

Stave off the holiday pounds with this 25-minute fat-burning full body workout routine you can do anytime at home!

Intense 25-Minute Full Body Workout Regimen to Burn Fat This Holiday Season



The goal of this circuit workout program is to perform each exercise for 60 seconds straight with a 30-second rest in between moves. After finishing the eight exercises, go through the circuit one more time for a total of two sets. Try to bust out as many reps as you can every time you do an exercise, but never compromise on the quality and form.

Step 1: Bust Out Some Mountain Climbers

The mountain climber is the best full body workout to burn stubborn belly fat. It’s a HIIT move that gets your blood pumping through quick, explosive moves. Plus, it’s a solid way to strengthen your core while targeting your abdominals from different angles.

How to:

Step 2: Strengthen Your Glutes with Bulgarian Lunges

Bulgarian lunges are great lower body exercises that mainly target the glutes while working the quads and hamstrings. It’s a beginner-level exercise you can do anywhere as long as you have access to a knee-high platform.

How to:

Step 3: Increase Upper Body Strength with Push-Ups

No full body workout routine is complete without a few reps of push-ups. They’re a great upper body exercise that targets the pecs while working the triceps, forearms, and shoulders at the same time.

How to:

Tip: If regular push-ups are too easy for you, ramp it up by using resistance bands.

Step 4: Improve Lower Body Balance and Strength with Single-Leg Drop Squats

The single-leg drop squat is a great exercise that improves your balance and strength. It mainly targets your quads while working your glutes and hamstrings. Gym-goers looking for something challenging can ditch alternating lunges and opt for this exercise instead.

Important: When performing single-leg drop squats, make sure to use a sturdy platform that doesn’t wobble.

How to:

Step 5: Blast Fat with Burpees

The burpee is a great full body workout at home that helps lower your overall body fat. Whether it’s to remove stubborn belly fat, pudgy thighs, or flabby arms, burpees may help you with it.

How to:

Tip: The goal of this exercise is to perform each move as quick and accurate as possible. Try going as explosive and intense as you can.

Step 6: Boost Lower Body Strength Through Body Squats

Squats are one of the top three compound movements for overall strength. They target your quads, glutes, and hamstrings. Before busting out some squats, make sure to perform some dynamic stretching exercises beforehand. Not warming up properly will hinder your performance.

How to:

Step 7: Strengthen Quads with Step-Ups

Step-ups are quad exercises that improve balance and strength. They’re like the reversed version of single-leg drop squats. Make sure to use a sturdy platform or bench for this exercise as well.

How to:

Step 8: Target Your Obliques with Side Planks

The side plank is a great plank variation that strengthens your core and targets your obliques. It’s a great move that isolates your side fat to remove your love handle and muffin top.

How to:


Here’s a quick video to show you how some of these movements were done:

This is just a basic full body workout routine to burn off those excess holiday calories. You can fit this in both before and after your holiday dinner parties. Also, make sure to watch what you eat. Exercise can only offset so much fat and calories. Despite it being the holiday season, make sure to commit to your fitness plan if you want to achieve a lean, fit physique all year long.

Will you try this full body workout routine? Share your thoughts with us in the comments down below!

Up Next: Do This F-E-A-S-T Day Workout On Thanksgiving