Evertrain Blog

Workout Of The Week: CrossFit Training

We’re back at it with another fun and challenging Workout of the Week! This one is designed for all of our CrossFit lovers out there. Read more for tips on how to best perform this WOD.

Before You Begin:

Here’s the mindset: This CrossFit workout is going to move pretty quickly while also putting great strain on your shoulders, legs, and trunk stability. Be mindful of comfortable rest periods between each movement pattern so that you can perform each lift in a controlled and safe fashion.

Equipment You’ll Need:

The Workout – FOR TIME:

1. BUY-IN: Double Unders: 100 Repetitions (OR 200 Single Unders)

First things first. Press go on your clock. You’ve got no time cap. But you should move with intention to complete this workout!

You’re going to kick off this workout with a buy-in set of 100 double unders. If you can’t perform double unders with a  jump rope – no problem. 200 regular single unders will suffice. This portion of the workout will certainly wake up your central nervous system and get your heart-rate on the rise. Once you’ve completed your prescribed jump rope repetitions, then transition onto movement 2.


NOTE: The next two movements – the overhead press and the back squat – will both be done in an ascending and descending repetition style scheme. For this workout, you’ll perform 2 overhead presses followed by 2 squats. Then 4 , 4, 6, 6, until you reach 10,10. From there, descend back down until you finish with 2, 2 of each movement. 

2. Overhead Press:

The prescribed weight for this workout is 115lbs for males and 85lbs for females. IF you feel that this weight is too heavy for you, please adjust accordingly. Dumbbells of the same weight are also fair game. In fact, if you have any shoulder issues, a set of dumbbells may allow for greater control and stability throughout the overhead press portion of the workout.

To perform the overhead press, start with the barbell racked on a rig at just underneath shoulder height. Get a grip on the bar at shoulder width and un-rack the weight. From here, brace your core and ensure your your ribs stay down towards your hips as you press the bar overhead. Extend to a complete lockout overhead and continue to complete the recommended repetitions before re-racking the weight.

As you fatigue in the later sets of with higher repetition counts, accumulating repetitions is okay. Do not feel like you need to perform 6, 8, 10, 8, 6 sets all unbroken.

3. Back Squat:

After you complete your first 2 repetitions of the Overhead Press, you should re-rack the weight on the rig. From here, find a wider grip and place the bar on your upper back in your desired bar location for the barbell back squat.

Perform all recommended squat repetitions to proper depth. As you progress in this workout – your core will fatigue. Continue to emphasize bracing your core with each individual squat reputation. To do so, take a deep breath at the top of each rep to brace, then squat.

Additionally, driving your knees out during the squat will also help engage your glutes; which can help with stability and power out of the bottom position of each repetition.

4. BUY-OUT: Double Unders: 100 Repetitions (OR 200 Single Unders)

At this point, you’ve now completed 46 Overhead Press repetitions and 46 Back Squat Repetitions. You should be fairly fatigued. To finish off the workout, you’re final challenge is to complete a single buy-out set of jump rope. Perform the recommend repetitions and check the clock for time when you finish.

Write your time down and challenge yourself to race the clock at another date and time!


If you’re feeling run down and need some helpful cues on how to get the most out of your training regiment, then give our article on Maximizing Your Training Efforts a read HERE.


Happy Training!

Sean Runyan

Evertrain Co-Founder & Director of Fitness