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Whey Protein: Frequently Asked Questions

Whey protein is one of the most popular supplements in the fitness industry. Everyone from beginners to advanced athletes use it to speed up the muscle building and strength boosting process. But how exactly does it work and how can you maximize its effects? Read the FAQs below to find out!

Whey Protein FAQs | Everything You Need to Know


Q: What Is Whey Protein?

A: Whey is a type of protein found in milk. It comes in three different varieties as a supplement: isolate, concentrate, and hydrolyzed. In isolate form, whey packs up to 95% protein and very little lactose, making it perfect for people who are intolerant. The catch is it can be pricey—which brings us to the second (more affordable) option: whey concentrate. Depending on the brand you get, it contains anywhere between 25 and 85% protein. The rest is usually fat, minerals, moisture, and lactose. Finally, hydrolyzed whey is processed to be more easily absorbed by the body, making it less likely to cause allergic reactions.

Q: When’s the Best Time to Drink Whey Protein?

A: Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to drink whey exclusively before or after working out. Sure, it’s a great way to prevent muscle loss (when taken before) and speed up recovery (when consumed after)—but so are protein-rich foods. At the end of the day, it’s all about getting enough protein daily. It doesn’t really matter where the macronutrient comes from. Protein powders like whey just provide a more convenient alternative to food.

Q: Is Whey Protein Safe?

A: Unless you’re allergic or intolerant, whey is perfectly safe. After all, it’s just protein that comes from milk. Just be sure to keep your overall protein intake within the recommended levels and you should be fine. Keep in mind that the amount you need ultimately depends on the frequency and intensity of your training. Talk to your doctor to know exactly how much you should consume.

Q: Can I Take Whey Protein Even if I Don’t Work Out?

A: Yes. Again, whey is just another protein source. As long as you don’t consume more protein than you need each day, you shouldn’t have any problems.

Q: Where Can I Buy Whey Protein?

A: Whey protein is one of the most widely used supplements so you shouldn’t have a hard time finding a store—both physical and online—that sells it. In fact, you don’t even have to go far to find a high-quality option. Our very own PROTEIN + HEALTH whey protein is more than enough to help you reach your fitness goals.


Check out how our best-selling whey protein can help you in the video below:

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned athlete, you need to get enough protein in your diet if you want to make any real progress. Whey protein allows you to easily and conveniently do just that. Give it a shot today and be one step closer to realizing your fitness goals!

Got any other questions about protein? Post them in the comments section below!

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