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Quick Workouts You Can Do During Your Lunch Break

Make the most out of your lunch break with these quick workouts that can get your heart rate up!

9 Quick Workouts You Can Do at the Office


1. 7-Minute Runner Warm Up

This 7-minute workout is a quick way to get your heart pumping. It is one of the best quick workouts for beginners as it consists of exercises that are very easy to do. Sitting in front of the computer all day has a lot of negative effects on your body. This dynamic workout is a great way to help loosen up those tight muscles and get your blood flowing after all those hours of almost no physical activity.


2. 6-Minute Start-Up Benchmark

The Start-Up Benchmark Workout is a moderate-intensity, 6-minute workout that serves as a way for you to constantly measure your progress. It’s one of the quick workouts for beginners in this list. Start your timer and complete the circuit below. After 1 circuit, go through them twice more before stopping your timer. Record your time every time you do this workout to see exactly how much you are improving. Remember to warm up first before starting.


3. Lean Fit Benchmark

The Lean Fit Benchmark is a more advanced take on the Start-Up Benchmark. This benchmarking workout is suited for those with a more advanced level of experience. Again, remember to warm up first before starting the clock and going through the circuit 3 times.


4. Engine Fire

The Engine Fire Workout is aptly named as it is sure to fire up your engines within seconds. The entire moderate-intensity workout averages around 10-15 minutes, depending on how you do it. It is one of the best quick workouts for muscular endurance and for developing strength and power in the lower body.

Start by doing the warm-up set of exercises. Afterward, choose at least 2 of the 3 “leg strength” sets of exercises. If you can do them all, then go for it. Keep in mind that you have to be explosive on every jump but still land with a soft and controlled touch. Move on to the “stamina” set before cooling down.


Leg Strength 1 (Repeat this set twice)

Leg Strength 2 (Repeat this set twice)

Leg Strength 3 (Repeat this set twice)

Stamina (Repeat this set twice)

Cool Down


5. Quick Core Crush

One of the best quick workouts for abs, the Quick Core Crush workout is a 10-minute, moderate-intensity workout that will definitely get your core burning. It will challenge all the sides of your core as it gives you what might be a much-needed quick burn. For this particular workout, it might be better if you can find a room and a yoga mat where you can do the exercises.


6. Quick Wake Up Desk Workout

If you are really having a hard time looking for a place or time to squeeze in a quick workout, then this might be the answer. The Quick Wake Up Desk Workout is designed so you do not have to leave your desk to do it. It is a moderate-intensity workout that allows you to turn your chair, desk, and wall into your gym and equipment. It is a quick full body workout routine that will give you that much-needed energy boost after hours of sitting and working.


7. 12-Minute Total Body Burn Workout

This 12-minute, no-equipment total body workout is a great way to fire you up. It targets all the major muscles in your body and helps you improve your strength and endurance.

Set your timer for 12 minutes and repeat the circuit as many times as you can. Try to note how many circuits you have completed at the end so you can monitor your progress.

Finish the exercise with total body stretches to help you loosen up and cool down.


8. Joint Mission

The Joint Mission Workout is one of the best quick workouts you can finish in 15 minutes. It focuses primarily on the lower body and is great for active recovery and increasing your flexibility, hip mobility, and movement quality. In doing this workout, focus on slow and controlled movements. Maximize the range of motion in your hips with each repetition.

Complete 3 circuits of this workout:


9. Run-Ready Yoga

For this exercise, you might need to bring a yoga mat and look for undisturbed space where you can do this workout. The Run-Ready Yoga Workout is great if you are looking to relax your mind after a stressful day at work. It also develops core stability and mobility. Doing yoga has numerous benefits as it is a great way to help you build strength, stamina, and flexibility. Try to focus on your breathing and stay in that moment of mindfulness.


Sitting for long periods of time can do a number on your lower back. Try these three moves to alleviate lower back pain from Evertrain:

Your desk job should not equate to you living a sedentary lifestyle. If you can’t find time to visit the gym, these quick workouts might just be the answer to improving your health wherever you are. Make better use of your office breaks and get your body moving. Soon enough, you’ll see a change in your energy as well as your mindset and productivity while at work.

Do you have a go-to quick workout? Share them with us in the comments section below!

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