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The Most Effective Post-Workout Routine To Improve Muscle Recovery

Post-workout recovery is vital in any training program. You need to give your body ample time to repair and rebuild muscles and tissues. Scroll down to learn the most effective post-workout routine for fast muscle recovery.

Post-Workout Routine Done Right: 7 Ways to Recover Faster


1. Don’t Overdo It

Overtraining may drive your body into a state of fatigue. This not only negatively affects your workout performance but also makes you more prone to injury. To avoid burning out, schedule recovery workouts every 3-5 weeks. During this interval, perform your regular workout with less volume and less intensity.

2. Take Post-Workout Nutrition Seriously

Getting the right post-workout nutrition is crucial in speeding up recovery. Eat a post-workout meal containing a good balance of protein and carbohydrates no more than two hours after training to aid faster muscle recovery. The required post-workout protein to consume depends on your body weight and fitness level, but a good range is between 20 to 30 grams per meal.

Don’t forget carbohydrates, too, because they help replenish energy and restore glycogen levels. Healthy sources of post-workout carbohydrates include fruits, oats, and leafy vegetables.

3. Don’t Forget to Stretch

Give yourself at least 20 minutes to stretch before a workout and cool down and stretch after a workout. Stretching relieves muscle tension and can minimize post-workout soreness. To relieve muscle tightness, you can also try foam rolling.

4. Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is an essential component of post-workout muscle recovery. Getting enough sleep helps the body produce hormones that aid in muscle repair and growth. It is also beneficial for your overall health. Sleep reduces stress, improves immune function, and boosts memory among many other health benefits. Aim to get at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep daily to perform at your best during your workouts and to ensure you have recovered properly from your training.

5. Perform Active Recovery

Perform some light post-workout exercises to improve circulation and accelerate muscle and tissue repair. Try low-intensity and low-impact activities like brisk walking or going for an easy bike ride to cool down without further fatiguing your body. You can also try these exercises on your days off from rigorous strength training. This allows your muscles to rest and recover without you being completely inactive.

6. Stay Hydrated

Replace lost fluids during exercise by drinking plenty of water. Dehydration can reduce your workout performance and delay recovery so make sure to drink enough water during and after working out.

7. Take a Cold Shower

Taking a cold shower after working out can help relieve sore muscles. Immersing in cold water after an intense workout is said to minimize muscle pain and soreness. If you are not used to taking cold showers, alternate between cold and hot water in the shower until your body gets used to the water temperature.

8. Get a Massage

A massage helps improve circulation and relieves any stiffness in your muscles. Get one from a professional or try doing it yourself with a foam roller or massage sticks. Not only will this help speed up your recovery, but it can also help you fully relax after a strenuous workout.

9. Drink Moderately

Consuming alcohol after a workout can slow down the body’s ability to recover. It can also negatively impact your workout performance, especially if you do it excessively. So as much as possible, cut back on the booze and drink in moderation.


Watch the video below and get the most out of your training routine with these 5 tips from Sean Runyan, the Fitness Director of Evertrain:

Post-workout recovery is an important component of strength training. With an effective post-workout regimen, you can maximize gains and improve your workout performance. Remember to listen to your body to avoid fatigue and injury. Incorporate the aforementioned tips into your post-workout routine and see your hard work in the gym pay off!

Do you have more tips on how to create an effective post-workout routine? Share it with us in the comment section below!

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