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Lower Back Stretches For Back Pain Relief

For pain relief and injury prevention, check out these easy lower back stretches you can do almost anywhere.

9 Lower Back Stretches Every Fitness Buff Should Know


1. Knee-to-Chest Stretch

This is a great exercise to relieve lower back pain. It releases and lengthens tight back muscles.

How to: Lie on your back with your feet on the ground, knees bent, and arms at your sides. Next, use your arm to bring your left knee up to your chest. Hold for 30 seconds before releasing, then do the same with your other leg.

2. Child’s Pose

For quick back pain relief, do the child’s pose which stretches contracted back muscles.

How to: Kneel down with your arms at your sides. Slowly sit your butt back to your heels, while reaching your arms out in front. Extend your arms as far out as you can, then hold for 30 seconds.

3. Lower-Back Twist

The lower-back twist is one of the best stretching exercises to relieve back pain and improve hip flexibility.

How to: Lie down with your feet on the ground, knees bent, and arms stretched out to the sides. Keeping your torso flat on the ground, slowly roll your knees together to the left. Hold it for 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side.

4. Pelvic Tilt

The pelvic tilt is a good stretching exercise that provides pain relief by releasing tight lower back muscles. You can also add the pelvic tilt to your core workout regimen.

How to: Lie down with your feet on the ground, knees bent, and arms at your sides. Let your lower body curve naturally. This will be your starting position. Next, try to press your back against the floor by slightly pushing your pelvis upward. You should feel your ab muscles contract. This counts as one rep. Do 12 to 15 reps.

5. Back Flexion Stretch

With the back flexion stretch, you’ll be lifting your torso above the ground. That’s why this exercise lengthens your back muscles further than knee-to-chest stretches do.

How to: Lie down with your arms at the sides, knees bent, and feet on the floor. Use your hands to slowly pull both knees to your chest while simultaneously lifting your shoulders above the ground. Hold this position for 30 seconds.

6. Kneeling Lunge Stretch

The kneeling lunge stretch allows you to stretch your back as far as you want. It’s also one of the best back stretches to do before a leg workout.

How to: Get on your knees and rest your glutes back on top of your heels. Lift your left leg up and place your foot on the ground. Both your knees should bend at a 90-degree angle. Place your hands on top of your left thigh, then gently lean forward as far as you can. Hold the position for 30 seconds, go back to your starting position, then proceed to do the same with your other leg.

7. Piriformis Stretch

This exercise stretches both your lower back and glutes to effectively alleviate back pain.

How to: Begin by lying on the ground with your arms at your sides, knees bent, and feet flat on the floor. Next, lift your right leg up and place your ankle on top of your left kneecap. Once you’ve positioned yourself, bring your legs up to your chest while maintaining their crossed position. You should feel your lower back and glutes stretching. Hold for 30 seconds before releasing, then do the same with your other leg.

8. Cat/Cow Stretch

The cat/cow stretch is a dynamic stretch that moves the back muscles both up and down.

How to: Get down on all fours. Your back should be parallel to the ground. Next, stretch your mid-back upward as high as you can. It’s similar to how a cat stretches its back. Hold the position for 30 seconds before releasing.

9. Cobra Stretch

The cobra stretch lengthens contracted back and abdominal muscles. You can also incorporate these types of lower back stretches at the end of your ab workout regimen.

How to: Lie on your stomach with your forearms flat on the ground for support. Next, push your torso up as high as you can until your arms are fully extended. Hold for 30 seconds before releasing.


After stretching out your back and legs, it’s time to do some intense lower body exercises. Check out our leg day routine here at Evertrain:

Lower back stretches are very important for pain relief and prevention. It’s surprising how simple yoga stretches can do so much to alleviate back pain. Plus, doing these lower back stretches improves your flexibility. For best results, do these stretching exercises regularly before and after your workout or even when you just need a good stretch after waking up or after you’ve sitting down for a long time.

What are your favorite lower back stretches? Share them with us in the comments section below!

Up Next: Shoulder Stretches To Keep You Flexible