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IT Band Stretches For Tight Hips

Doing IT band stretches is one of the best ways to quickly and effectively relieve iliotibial syndrome, which causes  knee and hip pain. Runners and cyclists usually experience these symptoms since they heavily use their knees for long, extended periods. IT band pain is often characterized by pain and tenderness in the thighs, knees, and hips. To loosen up the tight muscles and prevent knee injuries, take a look at these IT band stretches, and try a few of them to reduce or prevent future knee or hip pain.

7 IT Band Stretches Runners and Cyclists Should Know


1. Clamshells

Clamshells are great IT band stretches to ease pain and warm up your muscles before a workout. You just need a mat and an exercise band to do this. Here are the steps:

2. Basic IT Band Stretch

One of the easiest ways to ease IT band symptoms is the Basic IT Band Stretch. You can do this almost anywhere. Plus, it’s a great way to stretch out your leg muscles before a run. This is how to do it:

3. Wall Leaning IT Band Stretch

You can do the wall leaning IT band stretch anywhere as long as there’s a wall, at any time, to help reduce IT hip pain. You don’t even need to be wearing workout clothes to do this stretch, so it’s an easy one to fit in anytime you’re feeling a bit of pain or tightness.

4. Standing Figure 4

The Standing Figure 4 is a popular exercise among athletes. Not only does it ease IT band pain, but it also alleviates sciatica pain. You can also improve your balance by doing this exercise on a daily basis.

5. Band Walks

Band Walks are one of the easiest iliotibial band exercises you can do. It doesn’t take any practice and most people get it right on their first try.

6. Crossed Ankle Forward Fold

If you’re looking for IT band stretches that test your flexibility and balance, try the Crossed Ankle Forward Fold. While it may take some getting used to, it’s a great way to stretch out the iliotibial tract muscle.

7. Cross-Body Hip Stretch

The Cross-Body Hip Stretch is one of the best IT band stretches to do after a solid cardio workout. Once your muscles have cooled down, simply lie on your back and do this hip stretch.


These IT band stretches are not meant to cure or treat muscle pain. They’re simply ways to ease iliotibial band pain. The best thing to do is to carry out these exercises on a daily basis regardless if you’re in pain or not. If you want to get the most out of your daily runs and bike rides, without muscle pain and tightness, then make sure to take extra care of your IT band.

Did these IT band stretches work for you? Share your experience with us in the comments section below!

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