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How To Build Leg Muscles | Hint: Follow These 11 Steps

If you want to add thunder to those thighs, this step-by-step guide on how to build leg muscles might be what you are looking for.

11 Steps on How to Build Leg Muscles the Right Way


Step 1: Warm Up Before Doing This Workout

Before you perform any workout, the first thing you need to do is warm-up your muscles. Do some stretching exercises and light jogging to get the blood flowing to the muscles. The goal is to loosen your joints to improve flexibility and prevent injuries.

Step 2: Start with Barbell Back Squats

The best way to build leg muscles is through progressive overloading and strength training. Barbell back squats are compound exercises that work your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. When you do barbell squats, aim for weights you can only lift around 6 to 10 times. Here’s how:

Sets: 4

Reps: 6 to 10, 70-90% 1RM

Rest: 3 to 4 Minutes

Step 3: Do Dumbbell Lunges

Dumbbell lunges are great for improving strength and flexibility in your legs. They mainly target your quads, but they work the glutes too.

Sets: 4

Reps: 12 Each Leg

Rest: 3 to 4 Minutes

Step 4: Build the Quads with the Leg Press

After doing squats, it’s time to move on to the leg press machine. The leg press is an excellent strength-building exercise for the quads.

Tip: If you want to focus on working your quad muscles, use a narrow stance.

Sets: 5

Reps: 10 to 12

Rest: 3 to 4 Minutes

Step 5: Target the Hamstring with Lying Leg Curls

Lying leg curls are isolation exercises that target your hamstrings. The trick here is to maintain your pacing and focus on doing the reps properly.

Tip: Using an angled leg curl machine is better for building hamstring muscles compared to a flat one.

Sets: 3

Reps: 12

Rest: 3 to 4 Minutes

Step 6: Perform Leg Extensions

Creating a regimen consisting of both isolation and compound exercises is the best way to build leg muscles. Leg extensions are good isolation exercises to target your quads.

Sets: 3

Reps: 20

Rest: 3 to 4 Minutes

Step 7: Work the Calves with Standing Calf Raises

Calves are probably the most underrated muscle groups of all time. However, sculpting a well-proportioned body means doing your share of calf exercises. Plus, a strong pair of calves plays a vital role in most sporting activities, such as basketball, boxing, wrestling, and football.

Sets: 4

Reps: 12

Rest: 3 to 4 Minutes

Step 8: Isolate Your Glutes with Barbell Hip Thrusts

Barbell Hip Thrusts are great powerlifting moves that activate your upper and lower glutes.

Sets: 4

Reps: 6 to 12 (with emphasis on rapid and explosive contractions)

Rest: 90 Seconds

Step 9: Explode with Plyometric Bulgarian Split Squats

Plyometric split squats work the different leg muscles. On the front leg, the thigh muscles, hamstrings, and glutes are engaged. At the same time, the hip flexors and the quads are engaged on the rear leg. Plyometrics are great exercises to shock the leg muscles at the end of a workout.

Tip: Aim for control over intensity. Make sure that the front leg carries 85% of the load when jumping.

Reps: Descending Ladder (10 per leg, 9 per leg … 1 per leg to finish)

Rest: No Rest

Step 10: Sprint as Fast as You Can

To cap off our leg day workout routine, let’s do some sprints. Sprinting is a great way to build explosive leg power, plus, it’s known to substantially increase hamstring growth versus a traditional isometric leg curl.

Rounds: 10-15

Sprint: 15 seconds

Walk: 45 seconds

Step 11: Cool Down After Your Workout

After your workout, stretch, drink your protein shake, and rehydrate with water. You just finished an intense leg workout. Give your body some time to rest before heading out of the gym.


Try this explosive lower-body routine from Evertrain:

This workout will target all your leg muscles, which makes it the perfect routine for leg day. With the right guidance, learning how to build leg muscles shouldn’t be too hard. If you stick to these exercises, you will see an overall improvement in muscle growth and explosiveness in your leg muscles. And remember, never skip leg day!

What is your current leg muscle building workout routine? Share it with us in the comments section below!

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