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The Most Effective Cardio Workouts For Men [Infographic]

Level up your training with these cardio workouts for men to achieve that body shape you deserve!

Push Yourself Further with These Cardio Workouts for Men


1. Bodyweight Movements

Workouts for cardio can be done using any movement that raises your heart rate. This means you can come up with a fat-burning cardio routine without the use of gym equipment.

Give this interval workout a try. Do 4 sets of the circuit below, resting for a minute after the burpees.

2. Sprinting

Running in short bursts at near maximal effort can definitely get your blood pumping. Although exhausting, the benefits you get from sprinting are definitely worth it.

For one, you burn more calories not only as you sprint but also a few more hours post-exercise. You also get to train your glutes and leg muscles.

Tabata Training fits well with sprinting. This is a training method developed by Izumi Tabata, Ph.D., with the following structure: work out hard for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, repeat for 8 rounds.

When you apply this method to sprinting, you run as hard as you can for 20 seconds and rest for the next 10. Continue this pattern for 6-10 cycles (about 3-5 minutes) and adjust depending on the intensity you prefer.

3. Rowing

What makes rowing a great cardio workout is it trains your upper and lower body without exposing your joints and ligaments to high levels of impact. It’s also a good exercise for weight loss.

In fact, a person weighing 180 lb can burn more than 800 calories after an hour of moderately-paced rowing. Here’s how to do this exercise:

Here’s a rowing routine you can try:

4. Farmer’s Walk

Hold the dumbbells as you would a pair of suitcases and tighten your core before walking. Make sure to keep your spine straight to avoid injuries.

Walk back and forth in a straight line for about 1 to 3 minutes. You can do 5-10 rounds with 90 seconds of rest in between.

This exercise can train your cardio endurance and posterior chain at the same time.

Tip: Wear wrist straps to avoid the quick fatigue of your forearms.

5. Jump Rope

Ever wonder why most boxers have the jump rope in their training routines? Well, that’s because it’s affordable, great for conditioning and coordination, and burns a lot of calories.

In fact, according to the Compendium of Physical Activities, a 10-minute jump rope session burns the same calories as running at an 8-mile pace.

Try doing intervals of fast and slow jumps for 30 minutes. If you tire easily, jump as fast as possible for 20 seconds and rest for the next 10. Repeat as desired.

6. Uphill Running

Defy gravity and burn more calories. Due to the pull of gravity, uphill running works your legs harder.

Because of this, it can help build stamina and improve strength. This is one of the many reasons why it is favored by many bodybuilders and athletes.

Look for a hill that’s not too long or steep near your area. It should have at least 5% grade and preferably little to zero traffic.

If finding one is a problem, stairs or bleachers at a local stadium are good alternatives.

Sprint uphill and rest 60-90 seconds between runs. You can start with five rounds and work your way up.

7. Cycling

This won’t be a great list of good cardio workouts without cycling. It’s known to improve your cardio endurance, aid in weight loss, and build your lower body.

Depending on your weight and the intensity, an hour of cycling can burn 400 to 1000 calories.

Here’s a sample workout based on the Tabata method: Cycle as hard as possible for 20 seconds, coast for the next 10. Repeat 6-8 times.

Here’s another sample workout that might work for you:

8. Elliptical

Elliptical trainer, also called cross-trainer, is a stationary workout machine that helps you simulate running, walking, and climbing without the risk of excessive pressure on the joints, decreasing the chances of injuries.

Although training impact is low using the machine, it can be a great tool for intensive training. You can level up its performance by switching up the resistance, speed, and intensity levels of the machine.

You can best use this workout with these tips:

9. Kettlebells

Kettlebells are another exercise equipment for cardio workouts for men. They are cast-iron steel balls with a handle on top that allow you to perform flexibility, strength, and cardiovascular exercise.

The best way to perform this workout is as follows:

RELATED: Best Cardio Workouts For Women That Will Keep Your Metabolism Pumping

10. Swimming

This total-body workout simply begins when you start treading water. The catch with swimming is you’re fighting gravity in the water, so your muscles work harder in keeping you afloat without breaks.

The important thing to remember though is to incorporate various strokes when swimming as some strokes, like the breaststroke, burn fewer calories than others. You can train better with these tips:

11. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

HIIT is a new and popular form of exercise that gives an intensive aerobic option, which is shorter to complete than the traditional cardio training.

Compared with aerobic exercise, HIIT eliminates the steady state pace where your body has adjusted to the speed of the workout, conserving some calories.

HIIT can be performed better with this sample exercise, finishing the circuit four times with a 1-minute rest after the curls in every round.

12. Small Climb Endurance

Here’s one of the cardio workouts for men that increases the work on your legs. What you need to do is perform a treadmill routine to strengthen your entire lower body and build stamina.

Before doing the proper exercise, begin with a 5-minute stretching first and then do three sets for the following workouts with a 60-second rest between each set:

13. Track Practice

This cardio workout is advantageous to those who are near a track field because you’ll be utilizing the oval.

Because this involves running, it improves your cardiovascular health, increases muscle mass, and burns body fat. Do this weight training to the next level with these steps:

14. Barbell Complex

This workout does not use any piece of cardio equipment, only a barbell, but it provides intense training. You can start with a 95-lb barbell, but you can adjust the weight according to your body level.

You won’t have any rest in one set, so you’ll work on one exercise to another immediately. Here’s how you do it:

15. VersaClimber

VersaClimber is an exercise tool that conditions your body to enhance power, strength, and cardio through flexibility, speed, and endurance. It primarily challenges your upper and lower body’s muscles, like you’re climbing a mountain. Perform the exercise using the following time and rest in seconds (with rest in parenthesis):

Rest for 3 minutes and do 3 sets.

16. Cardio Boxing

This cardio workout for men conditions your entire body by increasing your coordination, strength, speed, and stamina, with a complete exercise for your cardiovascular system.

You can adjust the intensity according to what suits your body. Here’s the right way to do it:

17. Burpees

Burpees use your entire body to perform the exercise, enhance your cardiovascular strength, and check your coordination and balance.

It requires no equipment so you can do this cardio exercise at home. Here’s how you do it:


Download this infographic now and reference it later.

Create the perfect cardio strategy using these best cardio workouts for men and reach the figure you desire faster. The above cardio training exercises are a great tool for assessing your progress. As your cardiovascular endurance improves, you experience less fatigue after your usual workouts. As a result, you get to increase the intensity of your training and make great cardio workout routines.

What other cardio workouts for men or ideas for a cardio workout can you share with us? List them in the comments section below!

Up Next: What Is Cardio And How Can You Benefit From It


Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on September 20, 2018, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.