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9 Quick At-Home Workouts For Busy Moms

When every minute of the day counts, busy moms can turn to these quick at-home workouts anytime!

Quick At-Home Workouts to Keep You Moving


1. Jillian Michaels’ 1-Minute Workout

Sure, a hectic schedule can cause you to set working out aside. However, you can likely spare a minute every day to workout to this High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) that helps burn calories and boost metabolism. These exercises also help improve your agility, power, strength, speed, and stability, because even busy moms need that!

Tip: This is a really short workout so bring on the intensity. Also, make sure to do a 3-5 minute cardio warm up before doing this HIIT routine and cool down with foam rolling.

2. 5-Minutes Pre-Shower Workout

You finally have time for yourself. But before you head to the shower, spare five minutes to do this workout. This routine works both your upper and lower body.

Tip: For moms who are having a tough time working the inner thighs and glutes, the curtsy lunge is a great exercise!

3. 5-Minute Plank Workout

Want to work on your core muscles? Give yourself five minutes, and you can build your core strength with these different plank exercises. Plus, this routine also works out your butt, back, and chest.

4. 7-Minute HIIT Workout

An HIIT workout can really get your heart pumping in less time, which is perfect for busy moms who want to make sure the minutes they set aside to workout are worth it. HIIT workouts for women help you get more work done and keep burning calories even after the workout.

Complete this workout by doing the exercises at high intensity for 30 seconds, and then resting with the low-intensity workout for 10 seconds. Repeat this circuit three times.

5. 10-Minute Abs Workout

If you’re aiming to get rid of belly fat and shape your abdominal muscles, then this 10-minute abs workout will definitely help you crush your core. What’s more? This abs workout gets your heart racing, burning more calories in the process.

6. 10-Minute Stretch and De-Stress Workout

You can’t just keep putting intense work into your home workouts. There are days when you just want to de-stress, slow down, and give your muscles a good stretch. Try this 10-minute de-stress yoga workout on rest days.

Tip: Do not rush moving on to another yoga pose. The key here is to focus on achieving the full pose with slow, controlled movements as well as deep breathing. Inhale to a count of 5 seconds, and exhale to a count of 3 seconds. Make sure you get 5-10 deep breaths per pose before moving on.

7. 10-Minute Strength Training Plan

Improve your strength without lifting weights by using simple items like a chair, floor mat, or even just the stairs. Do this 10-minute routine thrice a week.

Tip: You have to perform these exercises like a circuit. You should be able to do this circuit three times, with minimal rest in between.

8. 10-Minute Butt Workout

Do you feel like you’re neglecting firming up your glutes? Don’t worry, as this 10-minute butt workout will sculpt your rear once again. This is also a great workout regimen for busy moms who don’t have time to sprint or jog.

Tip: Do each exercise for 30 seconds. Repeat the set two times.

9. 20-Minute At-Home Circuit

Waiting for the laundry to finish? Don’t waste any time and do this at-home circuit that works your lower body, upper body, and core muscles. You can treat this routine as a circuit. Once you’re done with one set, go for another one. You will need a towel for these exercises.

Tip: For beginners, two sets will do. But if you’re ready for a challenge, you can do five sets. Time yourself to monitor your progress.


Don’t like doing crunches? Try this 9-minute core workout routine from Evertrain’s Sean Runyan:

It is understandable when busy moms find it difficult to go to the gym on a regular basis. However, these quick at-home workouts should eliminate any reason or excuse not to sweat and burn some calories. Even while you’re waiting for the stew to cook, you can bust out these moves. Remember, your family needs a healthy mom, and to be really healthy, you also have to get physical. Give these quick workouts for moms a try and see the difference in your well-being in just a week!

Do you know other quick at-home exercises for busy moms? Share them with us in the comments section!

Up Next: What Is Your Motivation To Work Out? | Tips And Tricks